Where you'll find many cards I have made, to sell, give away and donate to Hospice. You will also find many, many little snapshots of my life which makes me who I am in Christ Jesus and Him Crucified which makes me complete. Colossians 2:10 "And you are complete in Him which is the Head of all principality and power."
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas Cards
Finally put up some Christmas Decorations. I have a little tree which is already decorated, take it out of the box, put it up, when Christmas is over, back it goes, in the box. It looks nice and Christmassy in the dining room, if that is as far as I get.....that will be fine. Bought a wreath from the boy scouts this year.....that is up and looks great on the front door and maybe this week I will put up the ceramic tree on the front porch along with some more lights on the banister.......see how my time goes this week.
I was not able to make any Christmas cards this past week, (busy working at merchandising) wouldn't you know it.....got a call today that someone wanted some cards "asap"..........I just did not have them ready, the best I could do is 10 cards and get them out by Monday..........I will find out tomorrow. I should have had more cards made up but I have not had any sales on Etsy and no one asked me to make any up until today............I hate last minute orders. Oh well this too will pass. Hopefully they will be happy with 10 and I will be sure to make up a bunch for next year.
Just heard from my NEW District Manager...........I have been carrying around a new Hamilton Beach can opener from a job I did about 2-3 months ago...I was suppose to bring it into the store and leave it there......the store closed about 10-15 years ago........so I asked her what I was to do with it as the previous district manager did not let me know. BLESSINGS......she said I should just bring it into my home as the company was not asking for them back. HEY I got a new can opener. I shall take a picture of it, maybe I will take the sticker off and scan it and place it on this blog. Yes, that is what I will do.
Well I guess I will close this blog for a bit...............I really need to tell you about a niffty little appliance I bought for my birthday....a "GT Express 101" awesome little machine makes great omletts and pies and sandwiches, baked potatoes.....JP likes it, guess it has been worth every penny. Check out the late night commercials on channel 26 Saturdays.......talk to you later. Louise
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Where is the time going??????????
- Well, where is the time going????
- Time sure does fly by.
- Christmas is just around the corner as I turned 62 on November 21st.
- BLOGGING has not been on my mind since October 29, sad to say.
- Not sure why I am typing sentences one at a time.
- Am I looking to writting a poem or something?
- Not really sure, just looks fun and takes up some space and it's the way I am thinking right now.
- Have to get ready to go out to work, but the snow is coming down. UGE
- Wisconsin, lovely Wisconsin, snow, snow, snow.
- http://www.cards4ubylouise.etsy.com/ have not sold a card in months..........sad.
- Should I put my shop up for sale and retire my stamps?
- Ask me again next month, things will have changed, and life will be different.
- Time to shut this blog down, it is not going anywhere.
- You all have a good day and "HANG IN THERE"
Love and peace - Louise
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sea Side Sea Gulls - Treasury #6
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Christmas Card and Kolacky's
This will be a short blog tonight, as it is almost 12:30am and "AH Needs" to get some sleep soon. But I wanted to show you my christmas cards I am making (gosh, and this computer is acting stupid tonight also). Anyways, this was stamped at a friends house, (her stamp) if I ever see one like it I will buy it. I used water color pencils and magic markers and white glitter for the snow. Then the picture is layered on red sparkly paper, white and beige cardstock. So, I was working on some cards tonight, think I will do about 24 cards like this the above card, then switch to another pattern and different technique......whatever that may be.
Got 4 cabbages today at church. Have some saurkraut fermenting on the counter from my previous cabbage. Think I will try some more cabbage and put it in a crock pot.........not to cook, but to ferment. I have a big crock, but it is old and there is a crack, so I had the thought to use a crock pot, see how that works tomorrow........I like boiled cabbage, might give that a whirl. Also, PoPs, my stepfather used to make a cabbage dish with bacon, tomatoes and peppers and cooked cabbage........mmmmmm.....that was always good!!!
I am going to give you an old polish receipe........I am not polish......but I just love Kolacky's, I am going to try this reciepe for Christmas, maybe use them as gifts, if I can keep them in the house long enough and JP does not eat them all.
KOLACKY1 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 package (8oz) cream cheese, softened
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
thick jam or canned fruit filling, such as aprocot or prune (I like strawberry or cherry)
Cream butter and cream chesse until fluffy. Beat in vanilla extract. combine flour and salt; add in forths to butter mixture, blending well after each addition. Chill dough until easy to handle. Roll dough to 3/8" thick on a floured surface. Cut out 2 inch circles or other shapes. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Make a "thumbprint" about 1/4 inch deep in each. Fill with jam. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to15 minutes, or until delicately browned on the edges. Makes about 3 1/2 dozen.
MMMMMMMMM sounds so good, nothing like a good Kolacky!!!!! My stepgrandmother used to make them and fold the corners over and cover them with powdered sugar. MMMMMMMM
Well, I will let you go for now, you have a good day.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Treasury Number 5
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
My first craft fair.................
Got to the park about 7:15am to set up, Maria was putting up the canopy when I got there, by the time we finished the people started coming. I was on my own for a couple of hours as Maria left to go to church and Chrissy still had not arrived as she was fighting some kind of virus and was going to be late.
People, people, people everywhere, so many people passed by, looked at my cards and walked on, many commented on how lovely they were, wellllllllllllllllll (well, buy one please) after all the passers by only 1 card was sold..........UNO, ONE, one, 1 card at $2.50 and ONE, one, 1 muffin for 50 cents!!!!!
I was selling my cards, jewelry, delicious chocolate chip cookies and banana bran muffins............took a picture of my little table.........hold on, gonna download into the computer.
There, there's my little table, really could have used a larger table, but for my first it was okay. Alot of these vendors go from craft sale to sale. I went walking and met two vendors from a previous farmers market in Appleton. The one is a card dealer also, she is trying to figure out how to sell her cards also, said she was going to set up a website, see how that goes.
My next adventure will be to go to the consignment stores and see what I can do there. I do know of two craft stores, one in New London and one in Seymour. So maybe I will try those stores. I might try a craft store on Morrison street also, now that I have lots of cards to display.
Going to close this segment of my blog, must go to the other blog and tell about the craft fair there, I am behind on that one also, (http://www.cards4ubylouise2.blogspot.com/) ssssssoooooo much to do so little time to blog....lol Oh and be sure to go to my etsy store at: http://www.cards4ubylouise.etsy.com/ I will be putting some of the cards and jewelry I made for the fair into my store in the next week or so.
Talk later,
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Well I have been busy, very seldom come up for air.........lol! Let's see what have I been doing???? Been working on cards and getting ready for the craft fair in October. Oh I signed up for Social Security last week, now that was a mile stone in my life!!! Working at my job merchandising.............got a new store added on to my list of stores..............you won't believe this one..........Michel's Craft Store.........omg.........the craft store of craft stores in my estimation! I already spied out the bead section mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm delicious!!!!
What else.........keeping my husband fed, the restaurant is opened 24 hours......he has to eat every 2 hours for some reason........so I need to have food ready for his two hour feedings......that keeps me busy and to top that off, we don't own a dish washer, so I
Here is a lovely picture of my front porch....JP and I have been eating out there, this little meal is my famous lasagna and french garlic bread....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I just got my hands on Adobe photoshop, so I have been playing with it.......trying to make some banners for my Etsy Shop.............I only have one month to play, then have to decide if I am going to keep it and buy the program...................yikes Adobe photoshop is hundreds of $$$$$, that I can't afford at this time. Used to use the program about 3 years ago at the job I had with "the church" I was getting pretty good at it...........but maybe not as good as I thought.............not like the pro's. Oh well, life goes on and we live and learn................what to do and what not to do. I only know now that I am glad I am not in that position, it was a blessing that God removed me from "the church" setting that I was in.
I think I shall close this blog for the night is 12:35 am..........work starts tomorrow, back into the business of life. Talk to you all later.
PS. please do go check out my etsy store and my new banner......I think so far I have made 6 banners. Go to www.cards4ubylouise.etsy.com
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I am a |
"Mischief is your middle name, but your first is FRIEND. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh"
Yeppers........I guess that is me..........love teasing people for some reason, always loved teasing my mother when I was growing up.........must have been for attention or something cause she would get so mad at me. But I can be a good friend, loyal till death do us part. Hey, JP and I are going to be married 35 years on the 27th of this month.........where did the time go??????
I actually like snapdragons............whenever I pick one, always squeesed the flower together and make the snapdragon look like it's mouth was moving and snapping......................lol
Been watching the Olympics for the last couple of weeks, so my blogging has gone by the wayside lately. Yeah for the USA, they did well, didn't they????? Right now the runners are running their sprints, I was happy for Michael Phelps and Shawn Johnson..........they worked hard for their medals. Well tomorrow is the closing ceremonies.........have to find a video to record it.
Well, I think I shall close this blog for today.........this next month I have to make lots of cards, for I am going to be in a craft sale in October, also, maybe putting my cards in a gift shop in Seymour...........so I really need to get to work, and make some cards. You all have a great day.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Ok....I TaKe ThAt BaCk.....LoL
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Here is my newest treasury...............
This may be the last one for awhile.......the newness has worn off.......have not gotten any sales because of doing a treasury..................soooooo......this may be the last one at least for this month. Maybe I will try one a month or something...........I'll see.
Well I am going to cut this blog short, it seems my computer is doing alot of hipcupping, seems to want to type then not. (so what is new in computer land)
So you have a great day and..................
Friday, July 11, 2008
Getting Ready for a Craft Fair in October
Well I am gearing up for a craft sale in October. Going to be working with 3 other (possibly more) area artists. We'll have a canopy with tables set up with our crafts. That should be fun.
- I will have sets of 4 cards, selling @ $10 a piece. I am looking at getting at least 10 -15 packs of 4 cards done. That would be about $150.00. I will have to see if I can put some other packs of cards together also.
- I might add earrings to this, maybe single cards with a pair of earrings attached all color coordinated..........mmmmmmmm.......have to think on that one for awhile.
- Chrissy is going to do watercolor paintings.
- There may be a couple of other ladies with jewelery and such.
The total cost for this is $40 so if we chip in $10 a piece that should work. My Etsy store is not making any money...........I really need to go in another direction.........time is running out for me, we are slowly going broke what with the price of things now adays, I really need to find an avenue that will make me alittle bit of money. Plus do something that I enjoy. Goodness if I could make money sitting at this computer...........I would be rich!!!!!!
As soon as I get some cards done I will be adding them to this blog, the ones that I will be selling at the craft fair........I will also be adding to Etsy also..........hopefully they will be something people will like to have on had. Well I am going to close this blog for today.......you all have a great day in the Lord.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Follow-up on my Treasury
But I did do another treasury...."Blue Skies Nothing but Blue Skies" and I got a picture of it. My goodness my comfort zones have been stretched in my learning all this stuff..........here is my treasury.................................>
I was very happy with this one, got a picture and even printed it, and was able to let the artists know I used their art.
Maybe someday someone will use my cards or earrings for one of their treasuries....I can only hope on that one. I guess it is considered an honor to that person........yes I guess I would be honored too, to know that someone liked my art and used me in a treasury.
Well, I guess I am rambling so I believe I will close here for now. You all have a good day..............blessings.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Do go check it out, I am wondering if I can bring it to my blog, but I have not figured that out yet. "Pink Piggy Banks" It was actually a trial run for me, never did a treasury before. Now if just a few people look at it I will be happy!!!! Well I am going to run. Have some work to do and have been playing at the computer for the last couple of hours........You have a good day and enjoy looking at my treasury at etsy: http://www.cards4ubylouise.etsy.com
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
I sent Pops $5, he said I shouldn't do that, I told him to buy a crossword puzzle book, he said I shouldn't have sent the money, I said well, it is actually cheaper to send the money rather then buy the books and send it, postage is high too. He had to agree. I doubt very much I will ever be able to go out there for a visit.........not unless we came into some money in the near future. He is going to be 83 this year, so time might be running out for him and me to get together.
JP and I went out to eat at the "7 angels" we sat on the veranda next to the water fountain. My goodness that was neat. We ordered the "Seniors" pork/dressing dinner, onion soup, salad, corn, french fries and topioca pudding..........a lovely meal and we actually had money left over for the tip. I think I will save some money so we can do that again. Hopefully the bees won't be out by the time we get back there.
I made JP and Pops a card, have not taken a picture of it, so I could not add it to this blog.......a light house on brown card and turquois background. was really neat looking. We went to church this morning...................would have preferred to stay home and watch Jimmy Swaggart on the internet, but being it is Father's day, thought it best to go.
Pastor Ron saw his Dr yesterday, the Dr said he needs to lose 10 lbs. Mary said she was going to start a diet too, well we decided to do it together. We will weigh in tomorrow and then write down everything we eat. Then I will email her on Saturday and let her know what I lost. Pops said he needs to lose 10 lbs also. I could stand to lose 25 lbs..............shall try, no better time then now.
Jp and I got home, I went straight to the computer and turned on TBN and Jimmy Swaggart. Gosh my computer was running very slow today.........sometimes I think it has a problem. But it could be the Yahoo server is the problem. Anyways, we worked around the house, did a few things, he cleaned the gutters, and cut some branches off the tree. I swept up the tree seeds that are starting to grow around the house. There is so much to do around here, but it has been fun this year cause JP has taken an interest in the house also, so that's been a plus.
Well, I suppose I should go for now, need to go to the other blog and write something there also, check it out www.cards4ubylouise2.blogspot.com if you haven't done this, please go to my etsy store and that address is http://www.cards4ubylouise.etsy.com if you would like to contact me via email go to: louisellen@juno.com be sure to let me know you found me at my blogs in the subject otherwise I may not open your email. I am a very cautious person. You all have a good day, talk to you again.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Summer around the corner
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Day..........
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ahhhhh Sweet Saturday
His birthday present or should I say presents are two violet pots, (for his violets), concentrate cherry juice for his gout, rhubarb cake, a turkey dinner for today and going out for chicken dinner tomorrow after church. He made out like a bandit! Birthday's should be like that though, don't you think? Sort of a celebration of life..........and celebrate all week long, why not? It's not everyday you are 61......one more year and he can retire if he wants. Nice goal to have, without a goal or vision the people perish!
Back to his presents, got the pots at Savers (a second hand shop, proceeds go to Easter Seals), the pots are handmade ceramics......very pretty!!!!! I actually got 4 pots, what a deal!!! Two for my violets. We are in competition as to who can keep their blooms blooming longer. So far his are doing fairly well, different light situations, my window does not get a lot of sun, north window, his are on the east window, which gets the morning sun, guess that makes the difference.
Did you know Cherry juice is good for gout? Yep, works like an antioxidant. I can get a quart at Copps for $16.99, or go to the health food store and get a quart for $17.99. Been going to the Free Market to get our water and they have cherry juice concentrate $3.99 for 8oz. that lasts a couple of weeks, making one quart at a time (with 2 tablespoons at a time). He drinks lots of tea also. We have a wonderful tea shop with over 200 different kinds of teas......oh it is a wonderful place to go. (Fava Tea Company will be another blog sometime) We have kept his gout in check by adjusting his diet. Sugar seems to stimulate his gout, so we try and stay away from things made with a lot of sugar. It's been a challenge but it is worth it, gout pain (which is a form of arthritis) is horrific. He can hardly walk around when the gout strikes in his toe or foot.
We have rhubarb growing in the backyard...........found a really fast and quick recipe last night for it, very good warm and with ice cream or whipped cream...mmmmmmmmm good!
4 cups rhubarb, 1" pieces
1 pkg strawberry jello mix
1/2 cup sugar (cut this down to 2 tablespoons, next recipe may even cut it out completely)
1 pkg yellow cake mix
1 cup water
Spread about 4 cups rhubarb pieces in 9x13 pan. Sprinkle with 1 pkg Strawberry Jello(dry powder as evenly as possible. Sprinkle 1/2 to 1 cup sugar over that.(uge, too, too sweet)
Next layer is 1 pkg yellow cake mix (straight out of the box) Last pour 1/2 to 1 cup water over everything. This should be done as evenly as possible, dampening as much of the cake mix powder as you can. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Good warm, good cold, good plain and yummy with cool whip on top.
Well so much for today's blog, think I will go wash my hair and get that turkey in the oven for his special day.............mmmmm turkey sandwiches with cranberries sound yummy. Have a good day and don't forget to put your best foot forward, don't look back, nothing you do about it anyways :-)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
My new Card Set
My next set will be "Thank you" cards. A set of 4 cards for $10.00. Have already taken the pictures and downloaded them to the computer, so in the next couple of days they will go into my store.
Well, I think I am going to cut this blog segment short, as I have a merchandising job to get done today.........going into two Dollar General stores to take down the Mother Day cards and put up the Father Day cards..........that should take me all day to do.............it's a fun job, but alot of steps to accomplish in the short time you are given to do it.You have a good day and keep your best foot forward and don't look back........nothing you can do about it anyways♥
Saturday, May 3, 2008
A Lovely Day Today
- "Frozen in Time" is a verigated plant with pink leaves and the flowers are white and edged with lime green..........this I believe will be my favorite all time african violet.
- "Ness's Midnight Fantasy" is a standard size plant and the flowers are light pink with purple spots.
- "Optimara Little Moonstone" a double white ruffled with blue tinged center. Paid $1 for 2 leaves, well, will see if I can manage to keep them alive. Might have been better to put then right into soil. Will see..............they will take 9 months to a year to start growing.......that is a long time to get some blooms.
- "Gold Stone" flower will be white/double gold with verigated leaf.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Card Number 3 - Dragon Fly
You have a great day and continue coming back, cause I will put new card ideas in this blog. My other blog will carry my earring line.........at this point that is all I intend to make for now, cause earrings is all I wear, except for a watch and tennis bracelett. Well my dog is pawing me, she wants to go out.............so do I, so again, have a great day. \0/ Praise Him.