Hi there everyone. Yeah.....I know.....right????? These days are passing by so fast. Getting away from me. I am still working on my gardens. Finally tackled the weedy garden in the front yard. I should have taken a picture....will do that tomorrow.
Saturday, I did manage to clear the weeds away from my two rose bushes and lay some mulch. It does look nice. Now if I can just get the rest of the front yard to look nice. I have lots of mint growing that literally took over the front yard along with strawberries and violets. It's really hard to tell what's what. But, I do have till September to get things organized.
JP's family is coming for a visit sometime this summer, would be nice to get things done by then. But I don't know if that will happen. Last Tuesday the neighbor next store, asked me to take down my little bamboo fencing that kinda covers their mess in their backyard. When I look out my kitchen window I see JUNK.....so my little fencing covered that.
So I took down my fencing because they were having a man come and take their green fence down, then they will be able to put up a privacy fence. Well, the guy came, paid for it, pulled off the wires that held the fence together and left and has not been back to take the rest of the fence down. This could take all summer to get done. As I know how slow the neighbors work. They also have another place up north they are working on.
So I waited and waited for the guy to return, got tired of waiting and put my little fencing back up, 5 inches on to my property so it is NOT leaning on their fence. They should be able to work around it....I just needed to see some semblance of organization. It is very depressing looking out my kitchen window and see junk piled up....it's almost like hoarders live next store to me!!!!
Hopefully by her birthday, 7/11, the green fence will be down and her privacy fence up. What a mess in the mean time.
I got a few more tomato plants yesterday along with a pepper plant, a zuchinni plant and another cucumber plant....now I just have to find good places to plant them. Also bought 3 more bags of mulch. Yep, I went through 2 yards of red mulch this spring and could still use more.
I am looking for a lavender/blue rose bush. I found one at Menards the beginning of Spring, but did not buy it. I should have, but procrastinated, as usual. But then, I did not know where I would plant it. But know I do.....now I have to look again for the rose bush. Maybe Shopko will still have some roses. It is hard to believe that the stores are closing out......where did this season go to????
Hey, I have already seen Christmas stuff up at Hobby Lobby....now that is really pushing it!!!!!
In September we are getting this tree cut down. It actually sits on ours and the neighbor on the other side of us. See, they already have their privacy fence. We tried to get this tree cut down 5 years ago, but the estimate to cut it down was $2600. We did not have that kind of $$$$
So Habitat for Humanity will do it for us. In September they are doing a " Rock the Block" where many houses will get fixed, yards cleaned, trees cut etc. I am afraid this tree will fall on our shed and garage. The neighbor is also worried that the tree will fall on his garage and fence. He also thinks it will fall on the neighbor behind us......whatever.....lets get this tree cut down. It's just a weed anyways "box elder" that has a bunch of bugs in the spring and fall.

This is a very big tree, all we need is a good gust of wind and down it will come. As you can see, this summer is going to be a summer packed with lots of activity and changes. One nice thing will be, there will be lots more sun back there and I can have my garden back that got lost to too much shade by this tree.
A Note: Today Habitat for Humanity called and the tree is un-assessable for cutting. I guess the other tree will not get trimmed either. I am kinda disappointed in that decision. I have to find out if the City of Appleton will take it down or We Energies. There are wires running through the tree and I don't know if it is telephone or electric wires.
Well time to close here, it's getting late. Keep looking up, better days are coming. Cheers ~ Louise