Friday, February 28, 2020

Finally..After a Year's Wait!!!

Hi there you all doing?? Not sure where this month went, but it passed by pretty quickly. Although it was quite stressful for the most part.

So below you will see a printer. FINALLY bought one like this today, it's only been a yearmy old printer went capoot. When ever I had the money, it had to go for something else. Got it hooked up tonight, have not tried it as yet. It's a little bite different then my old one, of course much newer.

I had to write out my recipes by hand instead of printing them. What a bummer. So now I have lots of hand written recipes instead of lovely copied ones. 

The interesting thing, in how I got the money for the printer is pretty strange. It seems there was a lawsuit against the Office Depot and support. "Many customers who took their computers to Office Depot for a free 'PC Health Check' were told their computers had symtoms of malware - even when that wasn't true. The FTC says that these bogus scans, provided by Support, convinced many customers to buy unnecessary computer repair services". The companies agreed to settle the lawsuit. According to Office Depot's records, I was one of the customers who paid for computer repair services between 2012 and 2016. (gosh that means my computer might be about 5-6 years old.) So anyways, I got a check for $47.74 and decided this was a good time to finally get a new printer. AMAZING!!!! I paid $29.00 for this printer. It will be good to have one finally. 

I was using Heartland Hospice stickers inside my cards. One of the ladies gave me a bunch of stickers to use till I got a printer, now I can do my inserts for the cards, instead of stickers. Yeeeaaaaa!!

I have to tell you a funny story. I went into Best Buy to check prices for a printer (to high, cheapest was $44). Then I ask a salesman about a ROKO that gives you most TV channels if a person decides to cut the TV cable. Anyways I wanted something I would be able to still watch my HOCKEY GAMES. The one salesman says, "What team do you watch? I said Blackhawks, he said Booooooo. I said what team do you watch? He said Detroit Red Wings....I said Boooooo!! Blackhawks and Red Wings are rivals of course and they are part of the Original 6 teams that started in '26 there about. So anyways the other salesman says, I am a Pittsburg Penquin fan! Oh how funny, so we started talking hockey while he tried to sell me a ROKO...said I would think about it after the season is over.

Then off I went to Walmart and found this printer for $29.00
So my Blackhawks are doing pretty good right now...there is only 18 more games left for the Hawks and they are 6 points out of the Wild Card. To get in the Wild Card you make it into the it is getting pretty exciting. If they can win 8 or 9 games that might do it.

We lost a good goalie, Lehner...he was traded to Las Vegas Golden Knights. They are playing tonight so I want to see how Lehner does. I imagine ALL the Blackhawks will be watching this game also.
The Hawks played last night and beat the #1 team Lightning Bolts in the Atlantic league, they have 113 points. Tomorrow the Hawks play the 4th place team Florida Panthers in the Atlantic league. Should be interesting, cause the Panthers coach used to be the Hawks coach till he was fired....gonna be a wild game I think. The Hawks have something to prove and the Panthers will have something to prove too!!
I think I need a hug from's been a rough month. JP hurt his back at work, he does not remember how....but it was so bad that he has not been able to work the last 15 days. I use his pay check to pay the mortgage....Might have a hard time paying the mortgage in March.....we need a minor miracle. Do pray for us.

Well, time to close here so I can concentrate on this Hockey game between the Golden Knights and Sabers. Want to see how Robin Lehner does. Keep looking up, better days are coming.
Cheers ~ Louise

PS...where did Blogspots spell check go?????? If you see a mistake please overlook.

Friday, February 14, 2020

The Cross and The Rose

Hi there everyone...this is going to be short and sweet. I saw this poster on another blog and just had to have it. The Cross, says it all.
Followed by beautiful roses. This rose was Kylies, the day she died. The Vet gave it to us. I buried it with her. Still as beautiful and I still miss her bunches.
I don't think these are roses....possibly pink tulips. I think they died out, cause I have not seen them since the date marked on the picture 5/11/17.
These were my beautiful long stemmed white roses that grew in the back yard. The plant died, although there were signs of life this past Fall when sprouts of life began to grow. But the rabbits found the new shoots and ate then down to the ground. We will see what happens this Spring...if the plant made it through the Winter. I covered what was left of the plant with leaves and Styrofoam cone, hopefully it made it.
So these beautiful flowers are a bouquet of flowers I bought for myself 2/15/17....they were a late Valentines gift to me, from! Probably paid $5...on sale today!!!
This is my pretty pink rose bush in the front of the has been with us for over 20 years and still blooms every year.
Here is another bouquet of carnations that Louise bought for herself....looks like another Valentine's gift to me again 2/19/18.
So there you have it, some beautiful roses created by GOD!!! Thanks for stopping by, hope the roses gave you inspiration that Spring is not too far off. Take care and keep looking up, better days are coming. Cheers ~ Louise


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