Hi there everyone. How is your day going on this wonderfully, beautiful day???? I really need to get outside for awhile, but have a few things to do inside first. One thing is to get these two sales ready for mailing on Monday. This will be my first time sending something breakable. Gosh I hope the tea cup and saucer gets to it's destination safely!!! I have plenty of packing stuff, so it should be okay.
My first sale this week were these hearts....100 of them....they can be used for card making or scrap booking or made as favors for weddings, showers or for Valentine Day. What's really neat about these hearts is that they have a sticky back, by peeling off the backing they can be stuck on paper, sticks, straws, to be used as cup/cake picks.....ideas for these hearts is endless.
The next day I got a sale for this lovely rose imprinted Duchess Bone china tea cup and saucer. Made a profit of $7.50, so that is exciting. I still have a few more tea cups and saucers to sell. But have to get pictures taken of them first. Been working on making some cards and probably will add them and a few more vintage things to my Etsy store this next week.
So much to do lately....it's hard to keep up with all the activity sometimes. I find it hard to imagine, how in the world I held down a full time job and still got things done around this house. But then I guess my house and yard were neglected, big time. Guess that is why I am constantly trying to play "catch up" Whew....this game is wearing me out!!!!
UP DATE on JP....he is okay, Doctor gave him some medication that seems to be working and his plumbing is finally working.....Thank God!!!!
You have a great week end and enjoy.....June 1st is tomorrow.....7 months left in 2014 and June 21st Summer begins and the days start getting shorter.......oh please, I wish time would slow down a bit!!!
CHEERS ~ Louise
Where you'll find many cards I have made, to sell, give away and donate to Hospice. You will also find many, many little snapshots of my life which makes me who I am in Christ Jesus and Him Crucified which makes me complete. Colossians 2:10 "And you are complete in Him which is the Head of all principality and power."
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
OOOOO.......Apple Blossoms!!!
Hi there everyone. Wow, can't believe how fast this month has gone by. We look so forward to Spring and it flashes before our eyes in seconds. Time races by so fast!!
Took some pictures of my apple trees.....both are blooming, I am so excited for the apples, both trees will produce. The tree on the left will be the red apples. The tree on the right will be the green ones. Hopefully we will be busy harvesting apples in September.
So pretty, so many apples. I am not sure when I should spray..better go to a nursery and find out.
I noticed today the flowers are starting to fall off....looks like snow on the ground.
Here's a close up of the pretty little flowers. In the background is the fire pit. I still have a lot to do there...it will take a little time getting the things done that need to get done.
I bought two tomato plants, two cucumber plants. Planted those the other day, still have some white waverly petunias and red geraniums to plant in the front of the house. Oh and there are naturally all those weeds that need pulling...which never ends.
So tomorrow JP has an appointment with the urologist, he has been having a few problems. Hopefully the Doctor will find out what is wrong. Well, time to close here, have to get the dishes done, a load of clothes and figure out what I will make for JP when he comes home at 1am.
Cheers ~ Louise
Took some pictures of my apple trees.....both are blooming, I am so excited for the apples, both trees will produce. The tree on the left will be the red apples. The tree on the right will be the green ones. Hopefully we will be busy harvesting apples in September.
So pretty, so many apples. I am not sure when I should spray..better go to a nursery and find out.
I noticed today the flowers are starting to fall off....looks like snow on the ground.
Here's a close up of the pretty little flowers. In the background is the fire pit. I still have a lot to do there...it will take a little time getting the things done that need to get done.
I bought two tomato plants, two cucumber plants. Planted those the other day, still have some white waverly petunias and red geraniums to plant in the front of the house. Oh and there are naturally all those weeds that need pulling...which never ends.
So tomorrow JP has an appointment with the urologist, he has been having a few problems. Hopefully the Doctor will find out what is wrong. Well, time to close here, have to get the dishes done, a load of clothes and figure out what I will make for JP when he comes home at 1am.
Cheers ~ Louise
Monday, May 26, 2014
~Memorial Day~
Hi everyone. Hope your day is going well. I just wanted to give thanks to all those that served this wonderful nation by giving their lives that we might be free. Not just those in the present, but in the past...Revolutionary Wars, Civil Wars, 1st World War, 2nd World War, Korean War, Viet Nam War, Desert Storm, Afghanistan War and all those wars in between. So many lives given that we might be free. It is like when Jesus died on that cross over 2000 years ago....He gave His life willingly that we might be saved. That we might spend eternity in heaven with Him. The ultimate sacrifice.
It is sad how this country is changing so radically by men and women whose only desire is for more money and power. Who want to take away our freedoms more each day. I only hope those that died for our freedom will not have died in vain. And, when Jesus died for our sins....that too was not in vain. I know God will have the last word, for He still reigns supreme and has total control. He created this world and only HE can end it, anyway He desires.
It is sad how this country is changing so radically by men and women whose only desire is for more money and power. Who want to take away our freedoms more each day. I only hope those that died for our freedom will not have died in vain. And, when Jesus died for our sins....that too was not in vain. I know God will have the last word, for He still reigns supreme and has total control. He created this world and only HE can end it, anyway He desires.
The above picture is from House Mouse Stamps, I get a sample stamp every day via my email. So I thought today's stamp was a must to use for this special day. Cheers ~ Louise
Friday, May 23, 2014
Kylie Taking Her Walk Along the Tracks
Hi everyone...how is your day going? My, what a beautiful day!! On my way to do an errand today, I stopped at a garage sale, and also picked up some free wood skids. Winning....I was needing some new skids for the basement to put things on in case of small floods in the future. Yay....found them today. One was nice enough that it almost looks like a little fence that I can put in the back, it might hinder the rabbits from running between the neighbor's and our garages.....we'll see how that works.
Well here you see Kylie walking along the tracks....she is a sniffer at heart and has to take in all the smells she can. She is part poodle and part schnauzer. I think the schnauzer is predominate in Kylie's life, cause she always has her nose to the ground. I have a feeling if she was not on a leash, she would be off and running. We got Kylie from the Animal Shelter in Osh Kosh. She was a stray. Who knows what happened, she might have run off, or the owner dropped her off on a side road....hard to say how her life started out.
So here is a shot of the railroad tracks....pretty exciting huh?!? Yeah, I know. This is a shot heading east. The tracks are about 3 blocks from our house. Close, but not too close. Not sure if I would like my backyard to be the tracks, though.
Here we are heading east...this actually is a close up of the tracks and almost three blocks away.
Hummmmm...I had to think a second and get my bearings as to where this picture was taken. But it is on the other side of the lot, facing the tracks, the park section and WI Electric Generators. So there you have it, pictures of "Kylies Park" and the place she likes to roam. The walk back is rather interesting. I will take my camera with again and take pictures of a few things....
Well you all have a wonderful weekend and Memorial Day. God Bless America and God bless the servicemen and women that gave their lives that we might be free. I hope their lives given were not in vain. It is so sad to see the direction this wonderful "God fearing" country is headed. Sorry to say those in authority are not very God-fearing and that is the reason this county is going down the tubes and faster then we realize.
Cheers ~ Louise
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Taking Kylie for a Walk in the Park
Hi everyone.....how's it going. Weather was beautiful today and in the 70's, perfect to me. I worked a little in the garage, putting a few things out in the yard. Flipped the pond over and will probably fill it tomorrow, weather permitting. The sound of trickling water will be music to my ears. Filled the bird feeders and reset the poles as they were kind of leaning after the long winter. Swept the garage floor and moved the snow blower to the back of the garage. Well, I suppose if I do a little bit each day, I might get everything done...hahahahaha...that would be a miracle.
So in the following pictures are some pictures I took while walking Kylie. This isn't really a park, but it has that "Park like" feeling. I've been taking Kylie here more often then walking around the block lately. It's so quiet, almost secluded and it's just a block away from my home. Why did it take me so long to find this place? Maybe cause there is a factory standing in the next lot. It is closed now, so I guess I tended to stay away because of all the traffic.
I think someone needs to put a little park bench or picnic table somewhere around here, as it would be a nice place to sit and listen to the birds. Well, maybe not, it might attract more then just the birds.
Here we are walking towards the end of the sidewalk. To the right is a big area of grass, trees and the railroad tracks.
Here we are at the end of the walk. Sometimes we walk around the bushes and trees and along the railroad tracks.
There is the area we just passed, the tracks to the left and the Electric Company high wires and generators.
Well you all have a great day and keep looking up. Enjoy the spring and all the plants that are growing, grass, tulips, I sure do love this time of the season, except for the allergy's that come with it. Itchy, watery eyes, ish!!
Did you catch Dancing with the Stars???? Oh I am so glad the Meryl and Maks won. They sure make a great couple. I loved watching them dance. Now American Idol.....I am thinking Caleb Johnson will win this one. Although I don't care for his rocky style....it's probably what the young people like. We'll see, to be continued. Cheers ~ Louise
So in the following pictures are some pictures I took while walking Kylie. This isn't really a park, but it has that "Park like" feeling. I've been taking Kylie here more often then walking around the block lately. It's so quiet, almost secluded and it's just a block away from my home. Why did it take me so long to find this place? Maybe cause there is a factory standing in the next lot. It is closed now, so I guess I tended to stay away because of all the traffic.
I think someone needs to put a little park bench or picnic table somewhere around here, as it would be a nice place to sit and listen to the birds. Well, maybe not, it might attract more then just the birds.
Here we are walking towards the end of the sidewalk. To the right is a big area of grass, trees and the railroad tracks.
Here we are at the end of the walk. Sometimes we walk around the bushes and trees and along the railroad tracks.
There is the area we just passed, the tracks to the left and the Electric Company high wires and generators.
Another angle of the same spot, sometimes we walk over there by the trees, just depends. Tomorrow or the next day I will put some more pictures up of this same area, but different views of the railroad tracks....how exciting huh????Well you all have a great day and keep looking up. Enjoy the spring and all the plants that are growing, grass, tulips, I sure do love this time of the season, except for the allergy's that come with it. Itchy, watery eyes, ish!!
Did you catch Dancing with the Stars???? Oh I am so glad the Meryl and Maks won. They sure make a great couple. I loved watching them dance. Now American Idol.....I am thinking Caleb Johnson will win this one. Although I don't care for his rocky style....it's probably what the young people like. We'll see, to be continued. Cheers ~ Louise
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Another Birthday 4 JP!!!!
Hi everyone, how is your day going? Today is JP's birthday. As we don't have family here, so it's a celebration with just him and I. We never were much into celebrating our birthdays like some do. We are happy when it just passes us by with no "hoopla".
So this is the pie I made for JP. I was going to buy a "cake boss" cake for $20. But because JP suffered from "gout" this past week, I decided to stay away from all that sugar. JP likes pie and it does not last too long in this house. Simple recipe, I baked the pie shell first, till browned. Let it cool then I placed the strawberries whole on the pie crust. While the crust was baking, I mashed 4-6 strawberries, 1/4 -1/3 cup water, 1/4 cup sugar, 3 Tablespoons corn starch, 2 Tablespoons lemon juice. Mix together and heat till it thickens, let cool and pour over strawberries. Let it set in the refrigerator. Then cover with the whip cream. This pie was VERY delicious. Next time I think I will cut the strawberries up, makes it easier to eat.
I bought JP this little Begonia plant from Festival Foods. He likes flowers, so I thought this would make him happy. When all chances of frost passes, we shall transplant it into a larger pot and keep it on the front porch.
Here we are at BJ Clancy's Bar and Grill. Because it was JP's Birthday, he got a FREE MEAL!!! So his choice was a turkey burger, crispy hash browns and iced tea. I asked him to smile, he did, but by the time I clicked the camera he had this face on him.....geez!!!!
JP also got some FREE ice cream with a candle on it and the waitress sang "Happy Birthday" to him. Finally got a picture of JP smiling.......yay!

This is the card I made for JP.....He likes the song "Amazing Grace" so I ripped the song out of an old song book and stamped the man with his bike on it....I rather like this card.....I think using songs from the song book will be my "go to" card....it makes a neat card for birthday's, thank you's, Thinking of you, Father's Day and Mother's Day and most everyday cards.
Here's what I had to eat....by the time I thought about taking a picture of my meal......I had munched down half it. I got a lovely salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. My burger was called a "Black Russian" (not the drink....although in my early years....that was my one of my favorite drinks) Sirloin Burger, covered with onions and cheese on marbled rye bread with a baked potato. It was a very good meal and I think I shall order it again. I took half of it home.....which was new to me, I usually can finish what I ordered, not today for some reason. That's good though, now I have a meal for tomorrow. Won't have to cook much after church....left-overs are good.
Well, you all have a great evening and keep looking up.....Cheers ~ Louise
So this is the pie I made for JP. I was going to buy a "cake boss" cake for $20. But because JP suffered from "gout" this past week, I decided to stay away from all that sugar. JP likes pie and it does not last too long in this house. Simple recipe, I baked the pie shell first, till browned. Let it cool then I placed the strawberries whole on the pie crust. While the crust was baking, I mashed 4-6 strawberries, 1/4 -1/3 cup water, 1/4 cup sugar, 3 Tablespoons corn starch, 2 Tablespoons lemon juice. Mix together and heat till it thickens, let cool and pour over strawberries. Let it set in the refrigerator. Then cover with the whip cream. This pie was VERY delicious. Next time I think I will cut the strawberries up, makes it easier to eat.
I bought JP this little Begonia plant from Festival Foods. He likes flowers, so I thought this would make him happy. When all chances of frost passes, we shall transplant it into a larger pot and keep it on the front porch.
Here we are at BJ Clancy's Bar and Grill. Because it was JP's Birthday, he got a FREE MEAL!!! So his choice was a turkey burger, crispy hash browns and iced tea. I asked him to smile, he did, but by the time I clicked the camera he had this face on him.....geez!!!!
JP also got some FREE ice cream with a candle on it and the waitress sang "Happy Birthday" to him. Finally got a picture of JP smiling.......yay!
This is the card I made for JP.....He likes the song "Amazing Grace" so I ripped the song out of an old song book and stamped the man with his bike on it....I rather like this card.....I think using songs from the song book will be my "go to" card....it makes a neat card for birthday's, thank you's, Thinking of you, Father's Day and Mother's Day and most everyday cards.
Here's what I had to eat....by the time I thought about taking a picture of my meal......I had munched down half it. I got a lovely salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. My burger was called a "Black Russian" (not the drink....although in my early years....that was my one of my favorite drinks) Sirloin Burger, covered with onions and cheese on marbled rye bread with a baked potato. It was a very good meal and I think I shall order it again. I took half of it home.....which was new to me, I usually can finish what I ordered, not today for some reason. That's good though, now I have a meal for tomorrow. Won't have to cook much after church....left-overs are good.
Well, you all have a great evening and keep looking up.....Cheers ~ Louise
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Gnocchi ! ! !
Hi everyone, how is your night going??? Funny how we plan things for the evening and then it never turns out the way we planned. I had all the intentions of going downstairs and making some Father's Day cards for Hospice.......did I make it down there???? Nope, I ended up doing some cooking, not such a bad thing.....I suspect JP will be thrilled and surprised too!!!
So tonight, I fried some bacon in the oven. I buy bacon in bulk at Festival Foods. I place the bacon on a cookie sheet with a layer of parchment paper so it does not stick. Lay the bacon side by side and put in the oven @ 400 degrees. As the pieces brown, I take them off and layer some more bacon on the cookie sheet till it is all cooked up. When there gets to be too much bacon grease on the sheet, I pour the grease into a can and either save it to cook with or throw the grease out. You can have just so much bacon grease in the refrigerator and then you need to seriously do something with it. What do I do with all that cooked bacon??? Freeze it, when I need some, just take it out of the freezer and stick it in the fry pan with the eggs....perfect.
Next on the agenda was chicken soup. I started boiling the chicken thigh and leg, then added the celery and onions, chicken bullion and a few seasonings. Took the meat out and deboned it. Then I thought...instead of noodles, I think Potato Gnocchi sounds good for the soup. I have been wanting to make gnocchi, so tonight was the night!!!! I boiled the potatoes then mashed them, added the flour, parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and egg.
Mixed it all together, kneaded the dough 5 or 6 times on a floured board and then rolled the potato dough out into a rope about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. I did this in sections. Then....
...cut the rope in 1" or less segments. Here is where you can lay them on a plate, cover them with plastic and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Or, place them in boiling water, when they came to the surface.......
I transferred the "Parmesan Potato Gnocchi" into the soup.
Very tasty soup....JP will probably say, did you write the recipe down??? Well, kinda, but my chicken soups never turn out the same. Guess that is why I enjoy making chicken soup....I can always change it some way and it always tastes good and heals whatever is ailing you.An update on our basement and backyard flooding....the water went down in the backyard.....does not look like it did on Monday. The basement is still a little wet, the dehumidifier has been running 24/7. Probably won't lay the carpets down for a couple of weeks yet. It doesn't usually get that wet down there, not sure what the cause was. I am thinking the gutters must have backed up and need to be cleaned.
Well, time to close, JP will be home soon, have to get his dinner cooked. He'll have soup, eggs and bacon, cucumber salad, fruit and toasted bagles. Sounds good to me. Have a great rest of the evening, what's left of it and a good day tomorrow. Keep looking up. Cheers ~ Louise
Monday, May 12, 2014
A Little Bit of Flooding....(sigh)
Hi everyone....Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!!! Nothing special here, but yes, I did enjoy the day. The rains came in the late afternoon and as you can see, our backyard flooded out. It must have rained A LOT during the night, and if it stormed and thundered, I did not hear it.

So in the above picture and the ones following is what we woke up to. Miracle upon miracles....the roof did not leak real bad. We seem to have different places on the roof that seem to leak at different times. There is a spot in the bedroom that gave a few drips today....JP put a bucket under that leak.
Well as you can see in the different pictures (taken from the kitchen window) most of the water is towards the back of the yard. I think we are in a valley and the lowest part of this block. Guess I never really noticed it before. As I walk Kylie up the street and across Drew street and look back, you can see how the block dips and we are at the lowest point. Maybe we are living in a great big "sink-hole" for all we know......yikes!!!!!
Oh my.....so much work to do, you can see the "snow on the mountain" is growing pretty good, it covers a multitude of problems. the darker green is weeds and violets growing. The darker patches are dirt and water. The red, of course is mulch.
Here's a close up of the our pond. Lot's of water.......the sun came out about two hours ago after this picture was taken....right now it looks as if it never rained at all. Sunny and blue skies.
This is the damage down in the basement. I usually have an old carpet laying down there, you can see it in the right hand corner. I rolled it up and it is sitting up, hopefully to dry, you can see the floor is very wet. I have the de-humidifier on, so hopefully I can get downstairs tonight and do some card making. Had an order the other day, so I need to get working on that.
This is on the other side of the basement where all my card making stuff is. Again I had carpet laying down and have picked it up to dry. The carpet laying down right now needs to be picked up and taken outside to dry........but I think there is more rain coming again, so I don't know how dry it will get.
I am glad that when we first moved into this house almost 23 years ago.....we put everything on skids to keep things dry...guess we were thinking ahead for times like this.
Well, time to close, hope you have a wonderful week and get all the planting done that needs to get done. I usually don't start planting till Memorial Day.....all chances of frost have passed. Sometimes I wish I lived in a longer growing season....but for now this is where God has planted me and I need to grow here.
So in the above picture and the ones following is what we woke up to. Miracle upon miracles....the roof did not leak real bad. We seem to have different places on the roof that seem to leak at different times. There is a spot in the bedroom that gave a few drips today....JP put a bucket under that leak.
Well as you can see in the different pictures (taken from the kitchen window) most of the water is towards the back of the yard. I think we are in a valley and the lowest part of this block. Guess I never really noticed it before. As I walk Kylie up the street and across Drew street and look back, you can see how the block dips and we are at the lowest point. Maybe we are living in a great big "sink-hole" for all we know......yikes!!!!!
Oh my.....so much work to do, you can see the "snow on the mountain" is growing pretty good, it covers a multitude of problems. the darker green is weeds and violets growing. The darker patches are dirt and water. The red, of course is mulch.
Here's a close up of the our pond. Lot's of water.......the sun came out about two hours ago after this picture was taken....right now it looks as if it never rained at all. Sunny and blue skies.
This is the damage down in the basement. I usually have an old carpet laying down there, you can see it in the right hand corner. I rolled it up and it is sitting up, hopefully to dry, you can see the floor is very wet. I have the de-humidifier on, so hopefully I can get downstairs tonight and do some card making. Had an order the other day, so I need to get working on that.
This is on the other side of the basement where all my card making stuff is. Again I had carpet laying down and have picked it up to dry. The carpet laying down right now needs to be picked up and taken outside to dry........but I think there is more rain coming again, so I don't know how dry it will get.
I am glad that when we first moved into this house almost 23 years ago.....we put everything on skids to keep things dry...guess we were thinking ahead for times like this.
Well, time to close, hope you have a wonderful week and get all the planting done that needs to get done. I usually don't start planting till Memorial Day.....all chances of frost have passed. Sometimes I wish I lived in a longer growing season....but for now this is where God has planted me and I need to grow here.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
I Need 2 B Here!!!!
Hi everyone, how's everything going with you all. Oh.....it was thundering and raining all day here today and last night also, I am missing the sun. Today, not such a motivating day. I looked around the house and I see so much work that needs to be done and I am not feeling like doing anything. Sure do hope this feeling passes.
So, I am perusing through Pinterest and see this above picture, suddenly I thought, now that looks like a place I would like to walk through....and maybe never walk out of, maybe stay for a couple of days. Can almost smell the beautiful smells of these blossoms, wonder where it is?????????? Could it be a picture of Heaven???
This picture is from a Marriot Hotel in Hawaii......Hawaii, that is a place that I would like to visit sometime. Would love to swim around in that water and hear the water falling......soothing to the soul.
Look at this wonderful bathroom.....looks like the tub is in an open space........mmmm....now if that is a Jacuzzi also????? Oh my, a piece of heaven. Are you getting the feeling I need a vacation, or something????
Now here is another place that I could fall in love with and never get tired of swinging in the breeze and listening to the waves crash........and so I am looking at all these beautiful places to go, when I come upon this...............
So, I am perusing through Pinterest and see this above picture, suddenly I thought, now that looks like a place I would like to walk through....and maybe never walk out of, maybe stay for a couple of days. Can almost smell the beautiful smells of these blossoms, wonder where it is?????????? Could it be a picture of Heaven???
This picture is from a Marriot Hotel in Hawaii......Hawaii, that is a place that I would like to visit sometime. Would love to swim around in that water and hear the water falling......soothing to the soul.
Look at this wonderful bathroom.....looks like the tub is in an open space........mmmm....now if that is a Jacuzzi also????? Oh my, a piece of heaven. Are you getting the feeling I need a vacation, or something????
Now here is another place that I could fall in love with and never get tired of swinging in the breeze and listening to the waves crash........and so I am looking at all these beautiful places to go, when I come upon this...............
Yep.....God has a way of speaking to us in the most interesting ways. I know I probably will never be able to get to these beautiful places........so I guess I can only dream. But I know God has me right where he wants me......here, typing away on this blog, listing my cards and vintage stuff on Etsy. Cooking for JP, cleaning house, gardening, shopping, making cards, walking Kylie.......and what ever else. It's a pretty simple life, but it's where God has put me for this time and place.
Hope you have a good evening and keep looking up, things do get better.....in God's time, not so much ours. Cheers ~ Louise
Monday, May 5, 2014
Rubbernecker stamps!!
Hi everyone, how is your day going on this 1st Monday of the month.......sure hope May does not speed by like April did. JP and I went to the Doctors today....JP needs some tests done, I hope it is nothing serious, but you never know, as we get older things don't work as they should.....we are like cars, we break down.
Well today I got an email from a blogger friend, she mentioned my http://rubbernecker.com stamps and if I had made any cards with them as yet. Well, yes I did, actually. Not this card, but the bottom two cards. This card is in my Etsy store for $3.50 + postage. The bottom two cards will eventually make it to my Etsy store. Just have to take a few more pictures.
The above card is a Mother's Day Card, or it could be a Birthday, thank you or thinking of you. There is no verse on the inside so it can be any kind of card you desire. The music is from an old hymnal song book, so I just tear out the pages of the songs I want to use. The vintage lady and flower coordinates with the color card I use. I rather like the look of this card, so I did a Father's Day card in the below picture.
On this card I used 2 of my new "Rubbernecker" stamps. The man with the bike and Happy Fathers Day down the side. I also have a Happy Mother's Day stamp like that also. Using the music from the old hymnal song book, I ripped the page on all four sides, stamped the man and his bike and layered with the ribbon, corner stickers and Father's day banner.
Now this was a fun card to make using my "Poppy" rubbernecker stamp. And my new "Amazing Grace" stamp from rubbernecker. This sure made for a lovely card, don't you think????? I picked up some card stock with different designs, must have gotten it at Micheal's. I colored the flower with markers, then spritz with water and stamped on watercolor paper....and wa-lah.....a watercolor effect!!! Each card turns out a little different. You can use any kind of verse you want.....I chose the "Amazing Grace" verse.....I may make some more of these for Hospice...........I think everyone, at some time in their life has heard this song "Amazing Grace.....how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I was lost, but now I am found, I was blind but now I see"
So there you have it......a few new cards. It looks so nice outside, I should do a little raking....it's always nice to get some fresh air and a few extra steps in on my pedometer (I think that is what it is called) I get no where's near 10,000 steps, but at least I get some with shopping and walking Kylie.
Time to close for now, need to balance the check book, walk Kylie, do some raking of leaves and do those dishes which seem to pile up. We went out to eat yesterday, so I really don't know where these dishes came from. Tonight is Dancing with the Stars. I am rooting for Meryl and Max....he said he's seen 13 seasons and has not won yet....so I think it would be fun to see him win the Mirror Ball. Meryl is so awesome on ice and on the floor....she is fun to watch, plus it seems she has calmed the highly intensive Max....a very good match!!!!
You all have a great couple of days and talk to you later...keep looking up. Cheers ~ Louise
Well today I got an email from a blogger friend, she mentioned my http://rubbernecker.com stamps and if I had made any cards with them as yet. Well, yes I did, actually. Not this card, but the bottom two cards. This card is in my Etsy store for $3.50 + postage. The bottom two cards will eventually make it to my Etsy store. Just have to take a few more pictures.
The above card is a Mother's Day Card, or it could be a Birthday, thank you or thinking of you. There is no verse on the inside so it can be any kind of card you desire. The music is from an old hymnal song book, so I just tear out the pages of the songs I want to use. The vintage lady and flower coordinates with the color card I use. I rather like the look of this card, so I did a Father's Day card in the below picture.
On this card I used 2 of my new "Rubbernecker" stamps. The man with the bike and Happy Fathers Day down the side. I also have a Happy Mother's Day stamp like that also. Using the music from the old hymnal song book, I ripped the page on all four sides, stamped the man and his bike and layered with the ribbon, corner stickers and Father's day banner.
Now this was a fun card to make using my "Poppy" rubbernecker stamp. And my new "Amazing Grace" stamp from rubbernecker. This sure made for a lovely card, don't you think????? I picked up some card stock with different designs, must have gotten it at Micheal's. I colored the flower with markers, then spritz with water and stamped on watercolor paper....and wa-lah.....a watercolor effect!!! Each card turns out a little different. You can use any kind of verse you want.....I chose the "Amazing Grace" verse.....I may make some more of these for Hospice...........I think everyone, at some time in their life has heard this song "Amazing Grace.....how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I was lost, but now I am found, I was blind but now I see"
So there you have it......a few new cards. It looks so nice outside, I should do a little raking....it's always nice to get some fresh air and a few extra steps in on my pedometer (I think that is what it is called) I get no where's near 10,000 steps, but at least I get some with shopping and walking Kylie.
Time to close for now, need to balance the check book, walk Kylie, do some raking of leaves and do those dishes which seem to pile up. We went out to eat yesterday, so I really don't know where these dishes came from. Tonight is Dancing with the Stars. I am rooting for Meryl and Max....he said he's seen 13 seasons and has not won yet....so I think it would be fun to see him win the Mirror Ball. Meryl is so awesome on ice and on the floor....she is fun to watch, plus it seems she has calmed the highly intensive Max....a very good match!!!!
You all have a great couple of days and talk to you later...keep looking up. Cheers ~ Louise
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Hooray for Friday's
Hahahahahaha..........well, it's Thursday, but Friday's coming!!!! I am going to make this a short one tonight. Have some cards to put together for the Hospice meeting tomorrow morning. Mother's Day, Father's Day, Thank You, Birthday and Thinking of You. I have about 30 cards done, but need to get another 20 or so to go, then put the inserts in. We are also giving little favors of Hersey chocolates in a little card stock holder....so I did about 20 of those last night.
Got some new stamps the other day from, http://rubbernecker.com so I am anxious to use them. Hopefully tonight I can find a little time to play with them.
Then there is dinner to cook for JP at 1:00am. He is having Cod, baked potato with lots of sour cream 'n chives, beans and fruit salad. Probably one of his favorite meals. I still have many dishes to do....never seem to get done with them. Wish I had a real live dishwasher....but, I guess I am it, till the real one shows up.
Well time to close and get this evening show on the road. You all have a great evening and wonderful May 2nd. Cheers ~ Louise
Got some new stamps the other day from, http://rubbernecker.com so I am anxious to use them. Hopefully tonight I can find a little time to play with them.
Then there is dinner to cook for JP at 1:00am. He is having Cod, baked potato with lots of sour cream 'n chives, beans and fruit salad. Probably one of his favorite meals. I still have many dishes to do....never seem to get done with them. Wish I had a real live dishwasher....but, I guess I am it, till the real one shows up.
Well time to close and get this evening show on the road. You all have a great evening and wonderful May 2nd. Cheers ~ Louise
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