1983 was the year we started....my goodness 27 years ago....these kids must be in their early 30's to 40's now. My how time flies, we truely are just a puff of smoke aren't we. I will have to send this picture to the pastors at that time.....wonder where all these kids are now and if they are following after God. I remember a few names, there's Billi jo, Brock, Johnny, Stevie.......once knew all their names......my how time fades the mind.
Today I figured out how to scan a picture and put it in a folder. A major step for me and I also sent a fax today......my goodness this old dog can still learn new tricks. (give me a doggie bone)My next major experiment will be to put all my pictures on a flash drive. Hopefully removing all the pictures will give me more memory on the hard drive.
Well, time to close this blog. Want to go take some pictures and download into the computer. I have a few more Mother's Day cards and some birthday cards to get into my Etsy store, be sure to check it out at: http://www.cards4ubylouise.etsy.com/. Talk to you later have a great day in the Lord.