To your left are "Miranda's or Bee Balm". When you rub the leaves together they have a spicy smell to them. I have seen them all over town and wondered what they were............finally a neighbor lady on Onida Street was out in her beautiful garden digging up some flowers. I decided to stop, not knowing who she was, but always admired her garden and ask her what the name
was of these beautiful flowers. "Miranda's" she said. Would you like some? Yes, I said. So she dug up some for me along with some pretty little white flowers and also some plants that look like geraniums and will have purple flowers. All these plants are perennials and will spread. Hopefully, they will spread and suffocate the WEEDS!!!!! Here is a close up of this lovely Miranda flower.
Well, we got all the plants planted in their new homes. The one thing Chris said was that all the plants be planted, because she has given plants to other people and they never got planted.......I said, oh yessssss these plants will have a home at my place.
Today, Sunday, we went to True Value for some more plants and got 3 more perennial plants, a "small lily, shasta daisies and little purple flowers" I also splurged on herbs, greek oregano, caraway and German Chamomile. I also got some mosquito spray, because I am finding I am very allergic to bug bites. Saturday the mosquitos just about ate me up alive. Today, I sprayed with Cutters Skinsation mosquito spray and got only one bite............miracles upon miracles!!!!!!
JP and I had a great day, doing the backyard. Pulled weeds and dug up an area for more flowers and laid some mulch down. I still want to finish off the middle section with a different colored mulch, this will be our camp fire section where our "smoky joe" is standing. It should be a nice area after it is finished.....I have so many ideas whirring around in my head, but n
ot alot of money to accomplish those ideas. Oh well, so what else is new. Try to use what we have and hopefully the money will be there when everything is on sale!
Here is another picture of all those flowers I received on Friday from Chris. In my next blog I will take pictures of their new homes along with what we did in the back yard. Time to close for now, you have a happy day and a happy week and enjoy these last few days of JUNE!!!!