Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Anniversary Weekend♥

Well.........38 years ago on the 27th we were married by the Justis of Peace at City Hall in Chicago. Not the the most beautiful place to get married but it was what JP wanted. He just could not take time out from racing to get married in a church. So, at 11:00 am on a Saturday we were married and at 3:00 pm we were signing the papers on the closing of our house. By the afternoon we were moving into our little house in Arlington Heights. I had put my foot down, and told JP I would not move into that house until we were married. We lived together for 2 1/2 years before getting married. If I had it to do over, I would not live with someone before being married, some how the beauty of marriage is destroyed, it just is not the same after marriage.
Lighthouse on the point...........our excursion to Neenah.
A visitor dropping in to see if we dropped some food or............would throw some to him/her.

JP took the day off today from work, so we did some errands, then went to Neenah, bought a subway and went and had lunch at Kimberly Point by the lighthouse. We have decided to do this again and maybe just pack a lunch and take the dogs for an afternoon "break away" we really need to learn how to kick back and enjoy..............................♥

Tomorrow the 27th, we'll go out for lunch at Stevie B's, and a steak in the evening some place....not sure as yet where we are going. That is another post I guess.

Well, I guess I will close this blog for tonight and continue on tomorrow. Pray God will keep those in the path of "Hurricane Irene" safe and not many lives will be lost.................Be safe people on the east coast.


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