If you haven't got a penny then a hey penny will do.
If you haven't got a hey penny........then God Bless you!!!
God bless you gentlemen, God bless you, if you haven't got a hey penny, then God bless you!
That song always goes through my head this time of the year.........where ever it came from, I do not know, cute little jingle.........I must have an old LP record.... oh I remember now "Bonanza" that is where that song if found..........someday I shall get a record player and play all my old records..........dinasours, but gosh they were something in their time.
Well, here is some pictures of some of my Christmas Cards...........hope you like them. You can find more at my little store at http://www.cards4ubylouise.etsy.com/
You have a great day and enjoy your life!
Bye bye - Louise